Monday, May 18, 2020

16th Century Blackwork Embroidery Inspired Patterns

Here is a 16th century blackwork embroidery inspired pattern based off the edge of the shift, from a painting at the Art Institute of Chicago. The Italian painting is called "Portrait of a Lady" by Michele Tosini, called Michele di Ridolfo circa 1550.

Here are more blackwork items at the Art Institute of Chicago:

- 16th century English doublet

- 16th century English coif

- 16th century English man's cap
     (This one can be zoomed in enough to count the embroidery stitches and see the stitches holding       the different sections together.)

- 1530 tin-glazed earthenware Italian dish
      (This is the first time that I have seen blackwork depicted on a historical plate.)

Here is a blackwork embroidery pattern based on a Flemish painting from 1544 called "Portrait of a Woman" at the Art Institute of Chicago.

1 comment:

  1. Love those Blackwork Embroidery patterns from 16th century. Now digitizing made easy with so many embroidery software in the market. THanks
