Sunday, March 22, 2015

Blackwork Embroidery on Pillow Covers

Here are a few examples of blackwork embroidered pillow covers that existed circa 1600 AD in England:

"Black silk embroidery on linen in double running, stem, and coral stitches, with buttonhole fillings. All around runs a wavy border of foliage and flowers. The field is occupied by a symetrically arranged design of interlaced scrolling stems which bear a great variety of flowers (rose, honeysuckle, carnation, columbine, sweetpea, etc.)." (

"Coiling vine-stems," (

Pillow cover


For my latest project, I am working on embroidering a pillow cover. My pillow cover is not as elaborate as the ones pictured above, but I prefer simple patterns that are not as busy as the ones pictured above.

Here are pictures of my progress thus far: