A Laurel had challenged me to create a blackwork embroidery pattern
using historically accurate patterns to create an 8 bit video game
snapshot. This
challenge was to see if the historical design criteria could be met
with something that is absolutely NOT historically accurate.
Since Tetris has been one of my favorite video games from childhood, I chose Tetris for this challenge. Many reversible blackwork embroidery patterns, also known as a double-running stitch or Holbein stitch, is geometric in shape.
The geometric shapes of blackwork are perfect for the Tetris shapes! First, I searched historical patterns to locate the same shapes found within the Tetris game. Then, I placed these various shapes on a canvas that I had created in Excel to create the pattern.
Mistress Miriam bat Shimeon's blog for Mamluk Embroidery: https://awalimofstormhold.wordpress.com/embroidery-charts/
Drafting a Blackwork Embroidery Pattern: https://youtu.be/-zp3tILQTb8