Monday, January 7, 2019

Books for Blackwork Embroidery Research

Are you curious to do some blackwork embroidery research on your own? Here are some books that I recommend:

Ashelford, Jane.  The Art of Dress:  Clothes and Society 1500-1914.  New York:  Harry N. Abrams, Inc.  1996. 

Chaucer, Geoffrey.  The Canterbury Tales.  Ed. John Halverson.  New York:  Bobbs-Merrill.  1971. 

Cunnington, C.W. and P.  Handbook of English Costume in the 16th Century.  London:  Faber and Faber Limited.  1962. 

Drysdale, Rosemary.  The Art of Blackwork Embroidery.  New York:  Charles Scribner’s Sons.  1975

Geddes, Elisabeth, and Moyra McNeill.  Blackwork Embroidery.  Boston:  Charles T. Branford.  1965. 

Gostelow, Mary.  Blackwork.  New York:  Van Nostrand.  1976. 

Jones, Mary Eirwen.  A History of Western Embroidery.  New York:  Watson-Guptill Publications.  1969.   

Kendrick, A.F.  English Needle-Work.  Ed. Patricia Wardle.  London:  Adam and Charles Black.  1967.  

Nourr, Claude and Pierre de Saincte Louie. Patterns Embroidery: Early 16th Century. Lacis Publication. 1999.

Scheuer, Nikki.  Designs for Holbein Embroidery.  New York:  Doubleday.  1976. 

Snook, Barbara.  The Creative Art of Embroidery.  London:  Hamlyn Publishing. 1972.  

Swain, Margaret H.  Historical Needlework:  A Study of Influences in Scotland and Northern England.  New York:  Charles Scribner’s Sons.  1970. 

Swain, Margaret.  The Needlework of Mary Queen of Scots.  New York:  Von Nostrand.  1973.


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  3. What a great job you have done for embroidery lovers... I love those collection of books on embroidery digitizing. And the best book according to me is "The Art of Blackwork Embroidery". Thank you very much....!
