Tuesday, October 22, 2019

More Information on Blackwork Embroidery

Here is an informative blackwork embroidery booklet by Genoveva von Lubeck: http://honorbeforevictory.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Blackwork-Embroidery-Booklet-v2.pdf

Here is an article on the opinions, tips, and perspectives for the backside of your embroidery: https://www.needlenthread.com/2017/05/embroidery-on-the-backside-perspective-opinions-and-tips.html

Here is a neat embroidery pattern on a coif: https://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O364617/womens-coif-unknown/

For anyone interested in doing freehand blackwork embroidery, check out this link. This is informative for showing different stitches, such as blanket, chain, and stem. http://sidneyeileen.com/artisan-works/embroidery-articles-and-tutorials/basics-of-elizabethan-freehand-blackwork-embroidery/#.Xa9hUWZ7kdU

Here's a webpage to help describe using backstitch to secure your thread's tail. https://sewingempire.wordpress.com/tag/blackwork/

While checking out various websites, take a look at this one:  https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/The-Graph-Theory-of-Blackwork-Embroidery-Holden/c9502615f49a61b62170277a5a0fc1b8f73f5fb9

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much THL Lynne Fairchild.. for providing the great links on blackwork embroidery...there are lots of tips and patterns for newbies. Thank you.

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