Tuesday, November 12, 2024

My Surprise! Elevation to the Order of the Laurel

My son received a scroll for completing a level in Page School, while my husband and my brother in law each received a Purple Fret for service. So, when Her Royal Majesty, Queen Jalida, said let's finish out the family and called me forth, I was stunned. The other 3 had had their names put forth on social media ahead of time, calling them into my court. However, my name was not on that list. 


To hear the words, "we beg a boon" brought tears to my eyes! To have friends that I have known for over 20 years come up and speak on my behalf was very heartwarming! And then, to hear what Her Majesty said about her conversation at the Pennsic War with the King of the East (HRM G. Emerson True) - that he wanted to make sure that I was Laureled for my blackwork, so much so that if he had the authority he would have Laureled me right then and there, giving me his own medallion. I was at a complete loss for words. 

I am still processing all of this... I don't know if you notice this in the video, but a little background: This Court was at the Fall 2024 Royal University of the Midrealm (RUM). I am the landed Baroness of the Barony hosting the event. I am also the new Chancellor for the Royal University. I was handed the wheel to drive RUM (starting in March 2024) with the out-going Chancellor over-seeing everything and giving advice where needed. So, by the time Court started (around 6:30pm EST), I had sat down for a total of about 20 minutes since 7:45am on that day. If you visit the Royal University of the Midrealm YouTube channel, you will find 15+ classes that have been added and/or will soon be edited and added from this day of classes. It had been a very busy day with over 50 classes taught at the event! I am excited, nervous, happy, shell-shocked... you pick the emotion and I've probably experienced it at some point with this drive-by of becoming a member of the Order of the Laurel. 

My biggest emotion in all of this: appreciation. Thank you to everyone! Especially thank you to the King of the East who spoke with Her Majesty (Her Highness at the time) on my behalf. 😊


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